Taraval Station

Captain’s Message April 12, 2017分局局長信息2017年4月12日

     The members of Taraval Station have been working very hard as we continue to see calls for services increased, violence in the OMI, growing concerns over burglaries (residential and auto) and quality of life issues for neighborhoods being impacted by the growing homeless issue. As the commanding officer of Taraval Station, I receive many emails. I am thankful to the residents who take the time to voice your concerns and I take each one to heart. Please know that we share the concerns that are impacting our community.  We know many of you are frustrated and at times, we also share those frustrations. As a district, we face many challenges and we set out every day to meet those challenges despite setbacks. Communication with our community is one of our biggest assets as we strive for success in our role to protect and serve the Taraval District.

    Last week, I attended four meetings that all acted as opportunities to engage with the community and discuss attainable solutions to strengthen the safety of our neighborhoods. First, I met with the management staff at Park Merced to discuss the crime trends we are seeing on their residential properties. The most common is burglary and many of the cases are a result of opportunity when a resident fails to lock their door and secure their home. Due to Park Merced’s close proximity to SFSU, many of the residents are students who often view the property as a “dorm setting”. We know that burglars look for opportunities to victimize residents. Often suspects will check doors until they find one that is unlocked. Once they do, they quietly enter the residence where a laptop is usually in plain view. Then they steal the laptop and flee the residence without being detected. Every resident, no matter where you live, should always secure you home both when you leave and when you are home. I often encourage residents to leave a note on the interior of the door as a reminder to lock the door. This can be incredibly helpful when multiple roommates are sharing a living space. Thank you to Chris Brinker of Park Merced and Chief of Police Jason Wu of SFSU for working in partnership with Taraval to reduce crime and improve the quality of life for residents.

     My next meeting was held later that evening at the Minnie Lovie Ward Rec Ctr. in the OMI. The turnout for this meeting was tremendous as our community desperately wants to reduce the incidents of violence. As BOS Safai facilitated the meeting, the community had the chance to hear from Chief Bill Scott, Asst. Chief Toney Chaplin and myself. For me, the greatest take away from these community meetings is to listen to the voices of the residents. Community members offered vital perspective, called out for the community to be active in solutions and discussed how our community can become stronger against violence when we are working in collaboration.

     The OMI-NIA is an active community group in the neighborhood. In my opinion, one of the best recommendations for identifying attainable solutions was from a community member. She recommended the formation of committees to focus on specific solutions and goals. If the committees can fall under the established OMI-NIA model it will allow for follow up discussions in order to sustain momentum in our solutions. Another great recommendation by a community member was the need to have planned events in which residents could share food and drink, are entertained by music and get a chance to really know each other as neighbors. I believe that is a great idea that can be followed through with a committee to organize an “Afternoon with Your Neighbor” event. The city has also committed to placing cameras within the neighborhoods in an effort to prevent crime. That is another area in which a committee can be formed to work in partnership with the city to see that project through and message to the community with updates and progress of the project.

     All of these great suggestions offered by the community can become a reality by simply becoming involved. As the Captain of Taraval Station, I would be happy to work in partnership with OMI-NIA to increase community participation and to work in organizing committees. SFSafe (Safety Awareness for Everyone) can also be utilized to form neighborhood watch groups. Maybe a few residents are willing to be block captains to organize the block where you reside. Also, I know the SFPD Community Engagement Division, under the leadership of Commander David Lazar would have many recommendations on how ties amongst residents can be strengthened. Please take the time to consider playing an active role in solutions for our community.

     The next evening, I had the pleasure of attending my monthly meeting with the Taraval Community Policing Advisory Board (CPAB). In these times when members of Taraval face daily challenges and successes, I am incredibly grateful for the support of my CPAB members who volunteer their time. They work in partnership with us as we examine ways on how we can be better than we were the day before. On this evening, we continued to discuss issues and concerns that were being voiced across the district. The Taraval CPAB will also be hosting Officer Appreciation Day for Taraval members on May 18th. This day is always a wonderful time for the officers and the CPAB members! This year the SF Police Credit Union will be an active participant also. Thank you in advance to all the CPAB member and the SFPCU!

     Finally, on Thursday, April 6, I met with the board of the Outer Sunset Merchant’s Association. It was a robust conversation in which myself and the board discussed the issues along the Irving St. corridor. At the top of their concern was the impact of homelessness on the corridor and the visible presence of the uniformed officers. I believe the meeting was a success as we gained understanding of each other’s views on crime and quality of life issues along the corridor. Thank you to the Outer Sunset Merchant’s Association for taking the time to meet.

     In the Taraval District we are still experiencing a crew of suspects who are targeting homes of Chinese residents. The most recent occurred on the 300 block of Garfield and the suspects were interrupted by the victim prior to making entry into the home. This series of burglaries has occurred in the Taraval and Ingleside district and is currently being investigated by the SFPD Special Investigation’s Division. Two weeks ago, the SID team made a great arrest on the 300 block of Pacheco and we believe these suspects are connected to this active crew. Unfortunately, we believe there are many members to this active crew and SID is exhausting all investigative leads. In an analysis of the burglaries, it was revealed 80 percent of the victims were from the Chinese community. We believe the suspects are looking for external indicators to identify possible victim locations. If you are a Chinese resident, we ask you take steps to lessen the likelihood of your home being targeted. Here are some recommendations from our partners at SFSafe:

  • Remove Asian or Chinese declarations, ornamental prints and displays, and religious alters should be placed away from street visibility.
  • Large sums of money, fine jewelry and important documents such as passports, birth certificates, and green cards should be placed in a bank safety deposit box for safekeeping. Burglars and robbers always check the bed and dresser drawers for hidden valuables.
  • Keep valuables out of sight and away from windows.
  • Do not publicize your travel or discuss personal assets on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or WeChat.

      We also believe the suspects are conducting surveillance on possible homes. In most incidents, the suspects were driving larger vehicles with paper plates (license plate that shows the dealers information instead of an actual California license number). If you see multiple people sitting a car for long periods of time in your neighborhood, please call 911. If you have cameras at your residence and after reviewing footage you see subjects and a vehicle that match this description please call Taraval Station at 415-759-3100.

      We have two important community meetings coming up in the next 5 days. The first is taking place Thursday, April 13th at 6pm. The meeting is being hosted by BOS Katy Tang and will take place at St. Ignatius High School. SFPD Chief of Police Bill Scott will be attending to meet with the community. I will be in attendance as well. The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 24th, 2017 at 6pm. This meeting will be hosted by BOS Norman Yee and will held at West Portal Middle School. Chief of Police Bill Scoot will be in attendance along with Captain John Sanford of Park Station, Captain Joseph McFadden of Ingleside and myself. These meetings are guaranteed to be filled with informative discussions regarding public safety. I am hoping for a strong turn out by the community and I hope if you can attend, you will take the time to introduce yourself to me. Meeting information is posted on the Taraval website at www.taraval.org

As always in closing, I always welcome community members to contact me directly with your concerns and questions. I can be reached at denise.flaherty@sfgov.org or call 415-759-3100.



上星期,我參加了4場會議,全部都是與社區聯繫及商討如何加強鄰區的安全。在第一場會議中,我與Park Merced的管理人員會面,討論近期在該住宅區見到的罪案趨勢,最普遍的是爆竊案,而很多爆竊案都是居民忘記鎖門或關好門窗,令賊人有機可乘。由於Park Merced毗鄰三藩市州立大學,很多居民都是學生,他們每每將居所當作「宿舍」看待。我們知道,爆竊匪徒是尋找機會向住戶下手,他們慣常先查看每一扇門,當發現某度門沒有鎖上,就會悄悄地潛入看到有手提電腦的居所,匪徒會偷取手提電腦然後在不為人發覺下逃之夭夭。無論你住在甚麼地方,無論你是在屋內或外出,都要鎖好門戶,我經常都提醒住戶,貼一張紙在門的內側,提醒自己鎖門。對於有多名室友同住的單位,這方法尤為有效。多謝Park Merced的Chris Brinker及三藩市州立大學警局局長Jason Wu與Taraval警察分局合力撲滅罪行及提高居民的生活品質。

我的第二場會議是在傍晚在OMI區的Minnie Lovie Ward康樂中心舉行,我們的社區渴望減低暴力案件,是以出席人數踴躍,在市參事安世輝主持會議下,社區有機會聽到警察局長Bill Scott及助理警察局長Toney Chaplin及我的回應。對我來說,在這次社區會議中最大得益是聆聽到居民的聲音,社區成員提出願意擔當重要角色、呼籲社區要積極參與及討論如何一齊合力更有效對抗暴力。


要將這些由社區提出的所有好建議變成現實,方法很簡單,就是一起參與。作為Taraval警察分局局長,我樂意與OMI-NIA一起合作並籌組委員會,三藩市防止罪案資源中心亦可以幫忙成立鄰居守望會,或許有部分鄰居願意成為街區隊長,去組織所屬街區的守望會。除止之外,三藩市警察局社區參與部在指揮官David Lazar的領導下,就如何加強居民之間的連繫也會提出很多建議。請大家考慮為解決我們的社區問題扮演積極角色。



在日落區,仍然有一群疑犯以華裔居民為目標,最近發生在Garfield 300號路段,受害事主就阻止了疑犯進入單位犯案。這系列的爆竊案發生在Taraval及Ingleside區,目前正由三藩市警察局特別調查組(SID)接手跟進。兩星期前,SID小隊就成功在Pacheco 300號路段拘捕了疑犯,我們相信這批疑犯與上述活躍團夥有聯繫。很可惜,我們相信這個活躍團夥有很多成員,目前SID正努力跟進每一線索。經過分析多宗爆竊案,發現有八成的受害人都是華裔,我們相信疑犯是先看過門外的陳設才選擇下手對象,如果你是華裔居民,我們希望你採取一些措施來避免你的居所成為目標,以下是三藩市防止罪案資源中心提供的建議:

  • 移除亞裔或華裔的佈置、裝飾品及陳設,供奉祖先的拜祭物品應擺在從街上看不見的地方。
  • 大額金錢、貴重珠寶及重要文件如護照、出生證明、綠卡均應放在銀行保管箱。爆竊匪徒是會查看床及抽屜以搜掠財物。
  • 財物不要放在窗旁讓人看到。
  • 不要在社交媒體公開你的旅遊行程及討論你的財物,包括在臉書、Instagram、Snapchat及微信。

我們同時相信疑犯正監視可下手的目標住宅,大多數情況下,疑犯都是駕駛掛有「紙車牌」(Paper Plate)的大型車輛,如果你見到多名人士在你的鄰區坐在車內一段長時間,請致電911。如果你的住所裝有攝錄鏡頭,並從錄得的視頻中見到疑犯及符合以上的描述,請致電Taraval警察分局,電話:415-759-3100。

在未來這5天內,我們將有兩場重要社區會議,第一場是由市參事湯凱蒂主持,在4月13日星期四下午6時於St. Ignatius高中舉行,三藩市警察局長Bill Scott及我將出席。另一場會議則由市參事余鼎昂主持,在4月24日星期一下午6時於West Portal中學舉行,警察局長Bill Scoot及Park分局局長John Sanford 、Ingleside分局局長Joseph McFadden及我將會出席。這些會議將圍繞討論公眾安全。我希望大家踴躍出席,如果你能到來,也請介紹你自己給我認識。會議告示已張貼在Taraval分局網頁上:www.taraval.org
