Taraval Station

Warning: Increase in Home Burglaries!

Please be aware that Taraval Station has been seeing an increase in home burglaries. Many of the burglaries are being committed without force, through half opened windows or unlocked doors. Bug screens and mesh alone are unable to protect against burglaries!

Due to the warmer weather we’re currently experience, many windows and doors are being opened for venilation and to cool down the residence. However, as the fog rolls back in again, the windows and doors are closed but remain unlocked. The warm weather also encourages people to plan outdoor activities which leads their homes unattended.

Please remember to ensure that not only are all your windows and doors closed but also locked, especially when you’re heading out to enjoy the warmer weather and going to bed. If you live with roommates, remind them to also double check that the house is locked up and secured.