Your Community Police Advisory Board (CPAB) Members
by Elise Piscopos Stupi
It has been 11 years since the establishment of the Taraval Community Police Advisory Board (CPAB), which is comprised of civilian volunteers from their respective residential and commercial communities, a representative from San Francisco SAFE, and an Assistant District Attorney assigned to the Taraval police district. The role of each CPAB member is to advise the District Captain about crime and quality of life issues that affect the community and help problem solve and brainstorm creative solutions to recurring problems.
Here are your current CPAB members:
Marc Christensen is a third generation San Franciscan, who started his teaching career at Herbert Hoover Jr. High School in 1970 and retired after 39 years, all in the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD). Marc continues to coach with the SFUSD and just completed 52 years of Track and Field. He currently is President of the Merced Extension Triangle Neighborhood Association (METNA). Email:
Al Harris has been a homeowner in the Ingleside since 1974. He worked for Safety Network as a Community Organizer and the OMI Family Resource Center as the OMI Convener. He is a graduate of the Citizen/Community Police Academy and NERT and is one of the original members of the Taraval CPAB. Email:
Mary C. Harris is a native San Franciscan. She was PTA President and a volunteer at Francis Scott Key Elementary School in the Sunset for 10 years. Mary is President of OMI Neighbors In Action, and The District 11 Council, and she sits on many other community, park, and library boards in District Eleven. She is a Citizen/Community Police Academy and NERT graduate and is one of the original members of the Taraval CPAB. Email:
Charles Head serves as a board member of Sunset Heights Neighbors and is its delegate to the Coalition of San Francisco Neighborhoods (“CSFN”). At CSFN, he is the President of the Government and Elections committee and member of the Executive Committee. In 2013, Charles retired after 10 years of teaching history in Oakland (having taught also in Florida and Connecticut for many years) and has served a second-year term on the Civil Grand Jury. In Florida, he was involved with Neighborhood Watch and the Miami-Dade Branch of the Florida Restaurant Association. Charles and his wife Eileen, a SF born native, live in the Inner Sunset, have two adult children each and several beautiful grandchildren. He is currently the Block Captain of the 9th Avenue Neighborhood Watch. Email:
John Zwolinski, our CPAB Co-Chair, has been a resident of the Outer Sunset for 17 years. He is the La Playa Park SAFE group Block Captain, a seventh-grade history teacher at A.P. Giannini, and one of the original members of the Taraval CPAB. Email:
We highly encourage residents to become acquainted with one or more of the CPAB members in your sector of the district as doing so can be helpful if a concern arises that needs particular attention. You may reach the CPAB members at their respective email addresses. As a reminder, residents can attend a monthly meeting regarding public safety either at the Taraval Police Station or Zoom every third Thursday of the month at 6:00pm – 7:00pm.